2023 BTS Calendars. ♡
available sizes are:
● size A4 / A6 calendar
● desk calendar (10x13cm )
● mini calendar ( 8,5x5,5cm )
These are some indicative dimensions, you can adjust their sizes to what fits you best. There are 3 styles for each calendar size:
● white and purple
● black and white
● multicolor and white.
The black-and-white version consists of just the line drawings so that you can have fun and freely color the illustrations once printed. Along with the illustrations you can find some quotes from BTS’ songs so that their words can accompany you during this new year of your life.
❗️ for personal use only, don't re-edit, sell them or share the link❗️
you'll be redirected to the google drive folder with all the different versions of the calendars. ♡